Jumia Advantage Scheme

With our Advantage Scheme, your engagement on Jumia is rewarded! The more you invest, the more you sell! Get more visibility, a Premium Experience, and much more. Thanks to your online reputation (your Seller Score) and your sales, improve each month to acquire the next badge.

We look forward to seeing you with a Gold badge and plenty of advantages!





< 28d

> 28d

> 28d

> 28d

Your Seller Score

< 4.3

≥ 4.3

≥ 4.6


< 1,000,000

≥ 1,000,000

> 5,000,000

Number of item sold per month

< 50

≥ 50

> 300

Payment terms (after delivery)





Volume allowance for main commercial events

Fixed DOL




Lower commission at tier 1 events (e.g 20% off)


Access to VIP Open CP campaigns



Subsidizing of products during Tier 1/2 events



Premium visibility/Boosting of SKU (Guaranteed monthly presence e.g. NL, PN, Homepage, Cat page)


Discount on Jumia Express



requirements needed to unlock JAS tier's advantages.

(1) events such as "Black Friday" or "Mobile Week".

(3) 1 specific newsletter per week sent to our customers with vouchers available for your best product.

Improve your Seller Score

Your Seller Score is your most important asset on Jumia. It matches your online reputation. With a higher score, more customers will trust you and will be ready to buy your products.

Your Seller Score is based on your ability to deliver your orders quickly, the quality of your products and your cancellation rate. We want to help you improve your Seller Score. Here are some tutorials that will help you.

Improve your sales

Your successful sales on Jumia are also part of your online reputation and your customers look at this indicator before buying your products. A salesperson with more successful sales inspire more confidence, and a customer will have more interest in buying his products.

You have access to several tools on Jumia to increase the visibility of your products on the platform and increase your sales! Participate in our commercial events by submitting your best deals directly to your Seller Center! Make sure you have the best platform price for your products! Discover more tips by clicking on the links beside.

Your Seller Score

Default after 28 days
if your seller score is below 4.3

Your seller score
is between 4.3 & 4.6

Your seller score
is above 4.6


Default after 28 days
Defaut after 28 days OR
if your sales are below 40 items per month

Number of item sold per month

if your sales are below 50

You sell
between 50 & 300 items

You sell
at least 300 items


Your seller score
is between 4.3 & 4.6

You sale
between 40 & 300 items


Your seller score
is above 4.6

You sale
at least 300 items

What is the Jumia Advantage Scheme and how can it help me?

Your efforts on Jumia are rewarded. The more you invest on Jumia, the more Jumia invests on you: welcome to the Jumia Advantage Scheme!

In the Jumia Advantage Scheme, each seller receives one of the following badges: Initiation, Bronze, Silver or Gold.

Each badge gives you access to many benefits!

What are the different badge advantages?

The benefits are many and will quickly allow you to increase your profits, facilitate the return of your money, the visibility of your products and your operational performance!

When is my badge updated?

Your badge is updated on the second day of each month. We will communicate at the beginning of every month if your badge has changed

What are the criteria that determine your badge?

Are you a new seller? Have you been on the platform for more than 28 days?
Congratulations and welcome to Jumia!!

  • During the first 28 days of your Jumia experience, you will receive an initiation badge. This badge gives you advantages to discover Jumia. No penalties (see below), visibility and increased coaching. All the best conditions to familiarize yourself with Jumia and let you be known by our customers!










Great! You are a more experienced seller and you access other badges with their advantages:

  • By default, you have a Bronze badge. This badge is the first step and gives you access to all the basic functionalities of our platform.
  • To obtain the Silver badge, you must obtain a Seller Score above 4.3 and you must have sold at least 50 products over the last month. If you sell 50 products in less than a month, you will of course go directly to Silver (provided that your seller score is greater than 4.3). If you have a Seller Score below 4.3 OR sales below 50 products over the last month, you keep the Bronze badge.
  • To obtain the Gold badge, you need a Seller Score above 4.6 and at least 300 sales over the last month. If you score more than 4.6 and 300 sales in less than a month, you will of course go directly to the Gold badge. If you have a Seller Score below 4.6 OR sales below 300 products out of the last month you keep the Bronze or Silver badge.

Where can I see my current badge?

You can check your current badge on your Seller Center account, next to your shop name in the top-right corner.  To access your Seller Center account, click here.

How do I get the next badge?

In order to obtain the next badge, you then have to improve both your sales and Seller Score.

• Discover how to improve your sales right here.

• Discover how to improve your Seller Score right here.

You can also decide to sign up for a session at the Jumia Academy where our online business experts will help you get the following badge.

I have a seller score above 4.6 yet I remain Bronze / Silver Seller, why?

To get the Gold badge you need both a Seller Score above 4.6 and 300 products sold over the last month. So you need to improve your sales.

Discover how to improve your sales right here.

I have sold more than 300 products over the last month and yet I remain a Bronze / Silver seller, why?

To get the Gold badge you need to sell 300 items over the last month AND have a Seller Score above 4.6. So you need to improve your seller score.

Discover how to improve your Seller Score right here.

What is the Seller Score?

The Seller Score is the best indicator of your online reputation. All our reports show that customers consider it to be the key indicator of the confidence they can give to a seller90% of our customers say they look at the Seller Score before all their purchases.

A high Seller Score is therefore the assurance of an increase in your sales!

It is calculated according to three criteria: your cancellation rate, the Shipment speed and the quality of your products.

To know more about your Seller Score, click here.

Where can I check my sales?

You can see your sales in your Seller Center account. By clicking “Reports” > “Sales report”. You can then select the period on which you want to see your sales.

You can also view your sales by clicking “Reports” > “Jumia Advantage Scheme” in your Seller Center account. You will then be able to see the sales you need to go to the top badge.

Check your sales regularly to make sure they are growing day by day!

Can my customers see my current badge?

Unlike Seller Score, your Badge is only visible on your Seller Center account.

What is Customer compensation?

In order to guarantee a great experience to every customer, you may have to compensate them if you cancel an order or in case of delay in delivery.
These compensation have above all has objective to protect your customers and to encourage you to be rigorous in the management of your online shop.
By making sure that you deliver as quickly as possible quality products and that the stock of your products is always up to date, you increase your Seller Score and thus your sales.

Note that Initiation Sellers are exempted.

How does the visibility boosting for my products works?

When you have the Silver or Gold badge, your products get more visibility: they will appear on top lines of the pages of our site and will be highlighted during our campaigns.

The higher your badge, the better the visibility of your products.

By obtaining the Gold badge, you ensure for your products a place on the top lines of our pages. This boost of visibility will allow you to significantly increase your sales.

How does the Jumia Advantage Scheme relates to me, as a new seller?

During the first 28 days of your Jumia experience, you will receive an Initiation badge. This badge allows you the most crazy advantages to discover Jumia. No penalties, visibility and increased coaching. Either all the best conditions to familiarize yourself with Jumia and let you be known by our customers!

The Jumia Advantage Scheme shows you what you can achieve by striving to work on your operational and business excellence. The benefits are additional motivation.

All sellers on Jumia started at the same stage as you, even sellers Gold badge Sellers.